• Professional Team

    John Michael

    Stewardship Officer

    John Michael serves as a Stewardship Officer for the western United States. He covers a territory that consists of the following states: Arizona, California, Maryland, Nevada, Virginia, and Washington D.C. In his role, he is responsible for cultivating relationships with alumni seeking to make principal, major and planned gifts. He also helps support strategic partnerships […]

    Phone: (858) 442-5731 Email: jmichael@lambdachi.org
  • Professional Team

    Shelby Parr

    Engagement Officer

    Shelby Parr serves as the Engagement Officer with a focus on donor and volunteer engagement with a goal of encouraging continued giving, sharing impact, and growing the donor base of the Educational Foundation. In her role, she is responsible for developing content and coordinating production for various donor cultivation, engagement, solicitation, and stewardship communications with […]

    Phone: (317) 803-7352 Email: sparr@lambdachi.org
  • Professional Team

    George Shannon

    Associate Director of Data Enrichment

    George serves as the Associate Director of Data Enrichment for the Foundation. In this role, he is responsible for data enrichment efforts, including systems integration, data integrity benchmarking, reporting, and visualization.  George graduated from the Missouri University of Science and Technology with a PhD in Systems Engineering, emphasis Artificial Intelligence, in 2017.  He graduated from […]

    Phone: (317)-300-6625 Email: gshannon@lambdachi.org
  • Professional Team

    Edie Thibodaux

    Stewardship Officer

    Edie Thibodaux serves as Stewardship Officer for the midwestern United States. She covers a territory that consists of the following states: Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. In her role, she is responsible for cultivating relationships with alumni seeking to make principal, major and planned gifts to the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation. She […]

    Email: ethibodaux@lambdachi.org