George Shannon
Associate Director of Data Enrichment
George serves as the Associate Director of Data Enrichment for the Foundation. In this role, he is responsible for data enrichment efforts, including systems integration, data integrity benchmarking, reporting, and visualization.
George graduated from the Missouri University of Science and Technology with a PhD in Systems Engineering, emphasis Artificial Intelligence, in 2017. He graduated from Missouri S&T (Alpha-Delta Zeta) with a BS Engineering Management in 1979 and MS in Engineering Management in 1984. His career spans multiple industries and leadership roles, including leading risk management efforts for the hypersonic X-30, an air-breathing, single-stage-to-orbit technology demonstrator, statistical analysis supporting medical outcomes research, senior leadership roles in small businesses, and leading technology startups. He is a volunteer member of the adjunct research faculty at the Missouri S&T Kummer College, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles, as well as supporting Alpha-Delta Zeta as mentor. He and his wife, Cindy, live in Barnhart, MO.